PerfectLum Suite display calibration and QA software is a handy tool, allowing to calibrate a monitor to DICOM, CIE L*, and Gamma, and perform QA tests to international standards. PerfectLum Suite uses test patterns to provide visual representation of display calibration. The software can improve image quality of nearly any display to meet medical industry requirements. Featuring display color calibration and ICC profiling, PerfectLum Suite is helpful in handling color on color medical displays. With its Remote display control, PerfectLum enables a QA supervisor to calibrate a monitor with one click, no matter where it is located, without interrupting the workflow on a workstation.
PerfectLum Features:
- NEMA DICOM calibration, CIE L* and Gamma calibration
- white level and black level calibration
- calibration to certain color temperature and XY coordinates
- automatic display adjustment via DDC/CI channel
- uniformity correction
- hardware calibration
- ICC profile generation (version 4 profiles)
- DICOM conformance
- white level check
- uniformity check
- SMPTE, Briggs, AAPM test patterns to check calibration results visually
- calibration of up to 6 displays connected to a workstation
- history database with detailed reports
- database backup
- scheduler to plan tasks and get reminded about them
Related Searches: Monitor calibration, screen calibration, display calibration, calibrate a monitor, calibrate a screen, download calibration software, monitor calibration software, screen calibration software, display calibration software, dicom calibration
Recent Changes: User-friendlier daily QA tests,display warm up time after ambient light and/or illumination measurements reduced,for 'manual acceptance test' sensor information is now saved,Gamut calibration integrated,Minolta CS200 sensor integrated,power management of older Dell displays corrected
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, ChineseSimplified, French, German, Japanese, Korean
Additional Requirements: 100 MB free diskspace, 512 MB memory, Display resolution minimum 1280 x 1024