WHOIS ActiveX Control allows developers to integrate the WHOIS/NICNAME protocol message sending capability into their applications.
WHOIS ActiveX Control can be used to retrieve information about a specific domain, such as the registrant's company name, address, or contact information. In Autodetect mode it can intelligently query the right remote database based on the query type (host IP address, host name, or domain name) and on the corresponding designated WHOIS server. In many countries different sub-domains have different designated WHOIS databases, WHOIS ActiveX control can easily handle that. The control can also query any WHOIS server with any request necessary. WHOIS ActiveX Control has an extensive database that contains all existing Top Level Domain information and many second-level and even third level domains. This information can be accessed, modified, added to, or customized as necessary.
WHOIS ActiveX Control is capable of processing multiple WHOIS requests simultaneously. It is fully compliant with RFC 954.
The control can be used from any Windows-based applications development environment, including Visual Studio.
It comes with documentation, sample code, and working demo programs.
Related Searches: WHOIS ActiveX, WHOIS Control, WHOIS ActiveX Control, 32-bit ActiveX, 64-bit ActiveX, 32-bit control, 64-bit control, 32-bit WHOIS, 64-Bit WHOIS
Recent Changes: Implemented 64-bit version
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows XP or higher