This engine allow to read and load the external Paradox tables into any MS Jet/ADO datasource
No any external libraries for Paradox/dBase reading (no BDE, ODBC etc) - native, direct and fast record loading. Just specify the target MS Jet/ADO connection and records from Paradox/dBase table will be imported.
Any version for Paradox table and xBase format supported
A lot of import modes supported:
imAppend: add records to the destination table
imUpdate: update record in destination with matching record from source
imAppendUpdate: if record exists in destination, update it. Otherwise, add it
imDelete: delete records in destination that match records in source
imCopy: delete all records in destination, repopulate from the source
imAppendNewOnly: add records to destination table if no matching record only
Also you may:
specify the custom mappings (define the correspondence between fields in destination and parsed fields in Paradox file)
create a new table in MS Jet/ADO datasource with same structure as parsed from Paradox
load data into destination table/view or editable query
and more
Related Searches: paradox viewer, pdx viewer, paradox data viewer, reading paradox file, database, manager, explorer, SQL, query, data, structure, stored procedure, view, oracle, ms sql, ODBC, BDE, interbase
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established