Connecting Health. ConHHL7 Workbench Trial! Try it Now! Define your grammar, test messages, and easily incorpate HL7 into your your application. Use the .Net Utility Class or use the ActiveX/Com interfaces. It is extremely fast, very easy to use.
The Workbench is based on XML technology. HL7 itself is difficult: The grammar as well as the TCP/IP Protocol are difficult to use for most prorammers. The ConHHL7 workbench hides away from these awkward structures. You can use XML notation for HL7 messaging, and the QueryUtility
Contained in this release are
HL7 Editor
HL7 parser
Query Utility
.NET integration
ActiveX Object Integration for other Windows based programming paradigms (Visual Basic, Delphi, etcetera)
Standard (99%) HL7 v2.4 interpretation.
Easy integration with your application: .NET integration or ActiveXObject
HL7-XML message format. You talk XML, the parser transforms it to hl7 format
Adjustable grammar definitions with the use of editor
Low cost integration solution.
see [url removed]
Related Searches: hl7, healthcare, editor, parser, query, util, ConHHL7
Recent Changes: Stable release
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: .net 2.0