Instant Customer Tracker is your total solution for Customer Tracking and Mass e-mailing your Customer base by criteria. With Instant Customer Tracker, you can track your Revenue, Customers, Prospects, Group List Members, Programs (Developer's). Instant Customer Tracker also includes a password keeper for remembering your login & passwords by website.
Instant Customer Tracker can also track shipping information and send package tracking e-mails, which is perfect for E-Bay Seller's, etc. You can also track commissions for referrers & outside sales people. Additionally, for software developers, you can track your software programs by version. Additional features include the ability to print Dymo / Avery address labels and return address labels. This software is perfect for opt-in e-mailing & tracking. Can easily handle monthly e-mails to your customers for restaurants, auto-repair, church groups, schools (e-mails to parents) and any company that needs to track customers and revenue!
Related Searches: customer, track, tracker, mass, e-mailing, e-mail, email, emailing, revenue, database, to-do, reminders, e-bay, ebay, sellers, group lists, opt-in, password, keeper, graphs, statistics, shareware, author, bug-tracking, ken-generation, product-trackin
Recent Changes: Added Import Customers
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 1GB Memory, 1024x768 display