nBinder is a file packer, compressor, protector and icon changer. Use nBinder to:
* Compress your executables so they occupy less space and are extremely more difficult to reverse engineer (hack)
* Enhance your executables with complex commands.
* Create repetitve sequences, conditional and scheduled events using Controls
* Protect your movies, music, images, documents, projects etc.with password and compress them, transforming them into standalone executable files, being able to run them later with the right password.
* Bind and compress executables or bind the dlls and other resource files to your executable so you can distribute your application as an single (smaller) executable.
* Protect your exe(s) with passwords, and at same time you may compress them and bind them with their dll(s) and other resources.
* Keep your application updated by adding URL files to automatically download files from the Internet.
* Silently install your products.
* Restrict your application to only one run by making it self delete itself after one use.
The primary disadvantage of common archives (.zip .rar .ace etc.) is that once files have been archived they loose their direct functionality, meaning they first have to be unpacked and the run. nBinder comes to fix this problem combining the advantages of archives with the direct functionality of the uncompressed files and many more other options like password protection and anti hacking protection for executables or complex commands that enhance functionality. Files compressed with nBinder are transformed into standalone executable files (.exe) that when executed they act the same as the packed files would if run uncompressed, maintaining their full direct functionality.
Related Searches: Not Established
Recent Changes: New features, improved interface, bug fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Romanian
Additional Requirements: CPU 300MHz 64 MB RAM