Printpak Community edition helps estimate and cost print jobs, informs your pricing and production decisions , and simply calculates over a million print jobs every year. It also does a load of useful administrative tasks, without fuss, and without the need for expensive installation.
Its expertise takes the pain out of estimating. It can print quotes and invoices and when the job is finished you can even refine your estimating by comparing the predicted cost against what it actually cost. There's a seamless upgrade to larger systems if required, without losing any of your data. Automatic updates are supplied free.
The main features are: Expert estimating - the system can work from a simple job specification to analyse the optimum production stratgey, Financial breakdowns -
the cost of each job is analysed into its component parts, Plate layouts -
see how the job fits on the plate and the paper, Quotes and invoices - print professional estimates and invoices for your customers.
Why is it free? There are still a number of print companies who haven't taken the plunge into computerized estimating, for whatever reason. This is our chance to put something back into the community. Of course we hope you upgrade to a 'paid' version, but there is enough here to run your business with.
This version is a single user system, so setup is easy (no need for an IT department). Just download, install, and run. If you keep using it, we'll also ask you to register so we know who you are.
Of course every program has a learning curve. In Printpak's case its not too bad, and to get you started we have a fairly detailed on-line help file. There is also a selection of tutorial presentations to view at your own pace - just like having a private tutor!
THE PRICE? Nothing. Zippo. Nada. Zero. The next time somebody tells you there's no such thing as a free lunch, you can tell them they are wrong!
Related Searches: Print estimating, Print MIS, Print Management, Printing MIS
Recent Changes: Launch
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 512mb RAM 10Mb HD