Virtual Font Folder synchronizes your installed fonts with the contents of another folder or network share.
Virtual Font Folder watches a user specified folder or network share for changes. When one or more TrueType, OpenType or Type 1 files are added to the folder, they will be installed in Windows for use by applications. When font files are removed from this folder, VFF will also uninstall them from Windows.
Multiple PCs can watch the same folder or network share. This is great tool for synchronizing font resources across a network.
Here are a few scenarios where this can be useful.
1. You may want to keep the required fonts for a project in a separate folder. While working on the project, drag the required fonts to the secondary font folder and they will be installed. When you are finished with the project, drag them out of the folder and they will be uninstalled.
2. If you are a network administrator, you can ensure all the users on your network have the same set of fonts. Users install Virtual Font Folder on their workstations and point it to a network share. When fonts are added or removed from this folder, the changes will be replicated on the workstations in the network.
Virtual Font Folder is for Windows XP and Vista. Includes a full help file and install / uninstall support. Requires .NET 2.0 Framework.
Virtual Font Folder costs $15 for a single user license. Discounts are available for multiple licenses.
Related Searches: Windows Vista, Windows XP, synchronize, network, fonts, TrueType, OpenType, Type 1, TTF, OTF, ATM
Recent Changes: Adobe Type 1 support, digitally signed executable
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows Vista or XP, .NET Framework 2.0