MultiG is a small, fast, no-nonsense Gmail email account monitor and notifier. The thing that makes MultiG different, is its ability to monitor Multiple Gmail Email Accounts! In fact, you can monitor up to 6 Gmail email accounts with MultiG. Key Features
Monitor up to 6 Gmail email accounts at once!
Quick double-click access right to your Gmail inbox!
Launch Gmail in your preferred browser
Fast, efficient, no-nonsense application
Small, low overhead (Installed executable is only 142 KB!)
Once you use it, you won't want to live without it!
The MultiG Tray Icon. This is all you'll normally need to see.
Just double click the icon, and you'll be taken right to your inbox,
for the highest listed account that has new mail.
Supports Google Apps for Domains!
Related Searches: Gmail, Multiple, Email, Account, Notifier, Notify, Monitors, Monitor
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established