The filter is designed for artistic painting and animated cartoon rendering. MSU Cartoonizer filter has many parameters, which allow to obtain very interesting results. MSU Cartoonizer includes a variety of styles such as colored and non-colored pencil, watercolor and oil painting. The main goal of this filter is its ability to convert movies into cartoons and also to transform images into artistic paintings. MSU Cartoonizer supports job contol allowing the filter to be used by AviSynth. This filter is connected with the area of non-photorealistic rendering.
Related Searches: video, cartoon, converts, movies, cartoonizer, VirtualDub, AviSynth, plugin, oil painting, watercolor, pencil, drawing, painting, animated, rendering, artistic painting, watercolor, crayon, colored, non-photorealistic
Recent Changes: Filled Segments Rendering, Improved Edge rendering for Faces, Added Preview button, Speed optimization
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: VirtualDub 1.4 - 1.6.11 or AviSynth