Loan Advisor for Excel is a special loan toolbox with many loan calculators for users who need a tool to establish and compare different loan options. This powerful set of calculators will help you in many loan calculations and determine the better loan for you. The calculators are easy to use, with many features and options. You only need to enter the data and Loan Advisor for Excel will automatically show you the results, then you can export the report to a new workbook to freely personalize it. Use this Full Access Version to unlock the sheets and customize the formulas as you want. If you do not need analyze or customize the models, you need to buy the regular version.
We encourage you to suggest newer calculators or improvements. Check our Web site for a version in your language. Do you need a more powerful tool? Try our product: Financial Advisor for Excel.
Related Searches: loan advisor, loan, payments, periods, calculators, mortgage, rate, comparison, automobile, purcharse, debt, points, pensions, qualification, discounted, factoring, operations, consolidation, irregular, amortized, cash, flow, value, operations
Recent Changes: This new version 2.3.0 has: Version manager tool.
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Microsoft Excel 2003 , 2007 , 2010