StuffIt incorporates the funtionality of StuffIt Expander, DropStuff, DropZip, and DropTar into one convenient program. Create and access email attachments and downloads, protect data, and transfer files.
StuffIt's advanced technology specialized in the compression of M3, PDF, and graphics files with no quality loss. Shrink documents up to 98% of their original size. Use StuffIt to free up space on your computer and to fit more compressed files onto CD/DVDs or other drives.
Secure your compressed data with password protection and encryption with strong 512-bit encryption for SITX archives and AES 256-bit encryption for Zip files. StuffIt's automatic archive repair abilities ensure your data's integrity over the long haul.
Upload your archives to a network volum or web server with StuffIt's built-in FTP or Apple's .Mac service. StuffIt automatically segments large archives to accomodate media storage capacity and to beat email size limits. Send files via email with a single click!
Related Searches: Compress, Secure, Send
Recent Changes: StuffIt's advanced technology specializes in the compression of MP,. PDF, and graphics files with no quality loss. Shrink documents up to 98% of original size. Upoad your archives to a network volume or web server with StuffIt's built-in FTP or Apple's .Mac service. Send files via email in a click.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 40 MB of disk space