The perfect Gantt Control for your DotNet WinForms Applications.
Extend your application with project-management capabilities with just a few lines of code. The interactive Gantt-Control comes with an easy to understand data object-model. The style and behavior can be fully customized through many properties end events. License is per developer. Royalty free distribution. Source code available.
The best way to present time depending tasks is a Gantt diagram. With this Windows Forms control you can easily extend your DotNet applications with Project-Management capabilities.
Related Searches: Gantt, Chart, Diagram, .NET, DotNet, WinForms, Windows, Forms, VisualBasic, Visual, Basic, Control, Steuerelement, Projektmanagement, Project, management
Recent Changes: Optimized for DotNet Framework 4 and Windows 8 GUI, standard dialogs in 25 languages
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: ChineseSimplified, Danish, German, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Croatian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Slovenian, Slovak, Spanish, Thai, Czech, Turkish, Hungarian
Additional Requirements: DotNet Framework 4.0 or above