The Day Organizer application offers a well-arranged organization of work time and free time, filing recurring events (birthdays, holidays, sports activities, meetings, regular vaccinations, insurance premium payments etc.) and reminders for events that you wish to be reminded about.
Other advantages include:
- User interface in Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Slovak.
- Unicode international character set support.
- Filing of events in planning calendars.
- Display of current planning calendar for a day, work week, week and month.
- Creating an unlimited number of planning calendars in any path.
- Sharing planning calendars among multiple users concurrently.
- Two planning calendar themes (Standard, Office 2007).
- Planning calendar backup, compression and restore operations.
- Manual and automatic refresh of current planning calendar.
- Definition of an arbitrary number of event attributes with arbitrary colours and positions.
- Copying a new event into selected planning calendars.
- Exporting events to RPT, PDF, XLS, DOC, and RTF files.
- Fulltext searching for events with an arbitrary number of definitions.
- Option to run the application when the computer starts.
- Option to minimize the application to the Tray Bar.
- Event reminders with optional advance reminders.
- Well-arranged context help in Czech and English.
- and other interesting functions.
You can learn more about the Day Organizer software and its version history at its home web site.
Related Searches: organizer, personal organizer, diary, personal diary, pim, planner, scheduler, calendar, planning calendar, appointment, calendar manager, day organizer
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Czech, French, German, Italian, Slovak, Spanish
Additional Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0