Enjoy viewing orthodox icons off-line anywhere, anytime. This is a single-file portable freeware application with English and Russian interface that does not need installation and can work with or without an Internet connection. Being only 6 megabytes in size, the package contains 388 orthodox icons of the Mother of God and 59 icons of Jesus Christ for off-line viewing, most of them are Russian icons. With an Internet connection, you can double click on any icon in the icon list to get free access to on-line pages on our [url removed] website where you can see numerous variations of the icon, download hi-res images, read about the history of the icon and get texts of prayers. The website will be automatically translated from Russian into English if English is set as your interface language. This application and our website are completely free of charge. A new powerful version is coming soon, with the access to several thousand images of orthodox saints! Check for updates periodically!
Related Searches: icons, orthodox icons, free icons, pravoslavnye ikony, download icons, russian icons
Recent Changes: First release revision
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English, Russian
Additional Requirements: None