Information is an asset modern businesses heavily depend on, and like any valuable asset, it should be protected. Kryptelite is an encryption software providing complete solution for secure data storage, be it a few files of a home user, or a multi-gigabyte company database. Kryptelite is reliable and time-proven encryption software utilizing strong cryptography for protecting critical data. It includes several top-grade ciphers including the latest Advanced Encryption Standard, and follows DoD recommendations for secure data deletion. It is fast, reliable, and easy-to-use - just drag a file or a folder to the Kryptelite icon, and the program will do the rest. Even if in most cases a single drag and drop is all what is needed to protect any number of files and folders, for experienced users Kryptelite can offer a lot more. Whether you are an experienced user, or completely new to computers - just do what you want to do, and Kryptelite will care of the rest. Valuable data should be secured, and Kryptelite means security. Get unlimited free trial at www.kryptel.com and see for yourself!
Related Searches: encryption, encryption software, file encryption software, encryption program
Recent Changes: - Improvements in shredder,
- Fixed shredder's occasional crashes.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Arabic, German, Russian, Spanish
Additional Requirements: n/a