Protecting your computer with the best level of security you can find is an essential in this day and age with so much malicious software out there. Using Lock Folder Lock File! gives you a whole new level of security, allowing you to lock access to specific files, entire folders, or even entire drives. It also allows you to protect your Windows desktop from unauthorized modification and all the features of the program can be easily accessed from the system tray. This way, only you will have access to the files you protect by using your master password which you specify when you set up the security options. Lock Folder Lock File! supports FAT, FAT32 and NTFS file systems and it is especially easy to install and use. Get started today with a free, fifteen day trial. You can find out more information on the program and download the trial version from [url removed] You will find that this program gives you that powerful and efficient level of security that you really need to protect your computer, whether it is from unauthorized access by other users or by malicious software.
Related Searches: file lock, lock folder, folder lock, folder password, hide folder
Recent Changes: The new Lock Folder Lock File! version has been released. In this version, some alterations of interface elements were made, and some new features were added.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Additional Requirements: Windows 7/Vista/2003/XP. No any special requirements to hardware.