Enter, maintain and print product and supplier info. Enter orders and automatically generate sales contracts, attachments, invoices, packing lists and shipping documents. Its Graphical User Interface (GUI) integrates the whole business workflow for a coordinated management and control, it is easy to learn and use. With Biz_Manager, you only need to enter product, supplier and order information once ! One advantage of the Biz_Manager program is that it streamlines suppliers' product and contact information to their import/export agents. After a supplier has entered his product and company information into the program, he can easily send a zipped data file to his import/export agent. An agent can also easily feed all suppliers' data into his Biz_Manager program and combine all the data to automatically generate import, export orders and documents. You need to install Java first, get Java free at : [url removed]
Related Searches: Manage products, generate import export orders, inventory, supplier info, sales contracts, invoices, packing lists, shipping documents
Recent Changes: New Release
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows with Java