If you are a beginner at animation or a professional looking for a new tool for your toolbox, Awesome Animator could be for you. You may have seen Flash animations or banners on web-pages and wondered how to create them. Awesome Animator is a software program which has many features which make it easy to create Flash animations and vector artwork.
One of the many cool features is the instant text animation wizard. This allows you to quickly create professional looking animated text which you can use, for example, as a title for your website. You can apply different effects such as gradients, shadows and outlines. Then you can select one of several pre-defined animations to apply to your title.
Other features include the quick button creator and the chart creator. These are time-savers so you don't have to design these features anew each time. This is one of the principles of Awesome Animator; that using it will save you time whether you are using it for work or just for fun.
Unlike some programs, Awesome Animator doesn't restrict you in terms of what animations you can make. You have the entire tool set and are only limited by your imagination.
For fun, there are also some pre-made characters such as the chicken, cow and sheep to set you up for creating your first cartoon. Once you are confident using the software you can create your own characters and use them in you cartoons.
There are several shape manipulation tools such as the spiral transform and perspective transform.
You can easily create Flash animations, cartoons and title banners for your website or to share on YouTube. It also supports creation of Canvas HTML5 animations for the iPad and iPhone. Create characters with special bone rigging for ease of animating. Use bitmaps, animated GIFs and vector art in your animations. Create simple scripts to add interactivity to your Flash animations.
Related Searches: Flash, Animation, iPad, iPhone, HTML5, canvas
Recent Changes: Faster, better, more features than previous versions.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows XP SP2 or greater. 1024x600 screen resolution or greater.