The True Type Symbol Font MARVOSYM.TTF is a valuable addition for any office or civil engineering purpose. It contains often-needed but rarely available symbols as the mysterious Estimated-Sign (e-symbol), Fax Machine, Answering Machine, Cellular Phone, Steel Profile Symbols, the original Euro Currency Symbol and lots more. In 2007 the font has been completely redesigned with Fontforge on Ubuntu Linux 7.10. The character encoding was modified to fit the need of MS-Windows users who cannot access symbol fonts correctly if the code area 128-159 is not remapped to certain unicode positions.
Related Searches: free symbol font, true type font, estimated sign, e-symbol, peace dove, recycling, der grune punkt, symbols, euro currency symbol, textile, care, laundry symboles, angle, biohazard, flower of death, xel, bse, british beef, iron, ironing, chemical, football, mailsymbol
Recent Changes: Rebuilt with Fontforge on Ubuntu Linux 7.10 - encoding changed to support the Windows code area 128-159 - BO-Logo updated - some symbols cleaned up.
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English, German
Additional Requirements: Not Established