Add custom items to Windows Explorer shell context menu easily with Context Menu Platinum (.Net Component for C#, VB, etc.). Easy to start (just install), easy to add your custom menu items (just one lines of template code for every menu item), easy to use (.Net, C#, VB, etc.) easy to deploy (just add 1 small file to your installation pack).
First, some words about appending of your items to Explorer context menu - and about how you may do it.
Shell context menu items appending component is a COM server, that may be written, according to Microsoft specifications, only on unmanaged C++.
You may spend hours and hours, day by day trying to add your items to Windows Explorer shell context menu by writing unmanaged C++ implementations for outdated IContextMenu.QueryContextMenu, IShellExtInit.Initialize, IContextMenu.InvokeCommand, RegisterServer, IContextMenu.GetCommandString, UnregisterServer, for many others - and all it on unmanaged C++, because managed code, written, for example, on C# or VB, may not be correctly used in shell extension.
Days of work with unmanaged C++ code, your clients protests when your application for the umpteenth time crashed Explorer and even all client computer - Is any salvation in such hard situation?
Yes - and it is Context Menu Platinum.
We spent more than 4 years writing, extending and improving it for you to add your menu items to Windows Explorer shell context menu - for you to add menu items easily and fast.
Key features:
* Explorer shell context menu - easy to use in your program
(just add 1 line of template code for every item you want to add to shell menu);
* Easy to deploy
(just add 1 small file to your installation pack);
* Works on any computer
(all modern operating systems are supported, including Windows XP and all types of Vista);
Want to add your items to Windows Explorer shell context menu? Do it easily with Explorer Context Menu Platinum. More info and free download at Context-Menu.com
Related Searches: menu, explorer, context, shell, windows, C Sharp, Visual Basic, .Net, DotNet, dot net, component, ActiveX, COM, items, show, icon, explorer menu, shell menu, context menu, IContextMenu, QueryContextMenu, GetCommandString, InvokeCommand, IShellExtInit, RegisterServer
Recent Changes: To explorer context menu component was appended support of Windows Vista of all types, including Vista Home, Business, Ultimate and even x64 editions.
Extended icons support. Now you may load icons for showing in your shell menu items from any source.
Appended support of unlimited submenus count.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 or newer