ESBPDF Analysis is Probability Analysis Software that provides everything needed for using Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions in a single Windows application. Most Tables and supplied functions (such as in MS Excel) give P(X less than A) and using algebra other results can be found whereas ESBPDF Analysis is Probability Analysis Software that handles all the combinations for you.
Features include Binomial, Poisson, Hypergeometric, Normal, Exponential, Student t, Chi Squared, F, Beta and Lognormal Distributions; Inverses of Normal, Student t, Chi Squared, F, Beta and Lognormal Distributions; Lists of Binomial Coefficients, Factorials and Permutations; Calculations of Gamma and Beta Functions; Printing of Standard Normal Tables and Critical t Values; Fully Customisable; Integrated Help System which includes a Tutorial. We also plan on adding many more Distributions and features.
Also includes Graphing of Distributions, additional Information on Distributions and registered users also get Electronic Documentation and a PDF version of the documentation designed for printing.
Ideal for the Maths/Stats Student who wishes to understand Probability Distributions better, as well as the Maths Buff who wants a well designed calculating tool.
Designed for Windows and optimised for Windows XP.
Related Searches: probability analysis software, probability software, probability analysis, probability distributions, normal distribution, probability, discrete distribution, continuous distribution, hypergeometric distribution, poisson distribution, esbpdf
Recent Changes: Minor Improvements to User Interface
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Win32 platform