NiceProtect means external protection for your applications. Protection is called external because it is set upon a compiled application and it does not require any modifications in the source code.
For example, if you implement a registration check in any way and then compile and publish this software on a website, any hacker can disassemble the program, find the registration check and crack the protection mechanism. To avoid this, you can use NiceProtect. If you protect your program with this protector after the compilation, hackers will not be able to disassemble and explore the application code because it will be encrypted. Moreover, the protection mechanism employs modern technologies of polymorphism and metamorphism, which makes it much more difficult for hackers to analyze the kernel of protection. It will be extremely hard to remove protection because the entry point of the program will be partially translated into metamorphic code and partially executed on the virtual machine, which will considerably complicate its restoration. In addition, if your wish, your program code will be packed, which will reduce the size of the program without any loss in its functionality. As a result, we have a nice packer + external protection that is recommended to be used in all your programs.
Related Searches: protector, packer, software protection
Recent Changes: - Delphi XE - Delphi XE6 support;
- Increase file header if no free space for a new sections;
- Virtualizing of VB6 application improved.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, German, Russian
Additional Requirements: P133, 64 Mb RAM