PtBarcodeDec is Software Development Kit (SDK) to decode barcode from image. It supports 2D barcode as below:
* PDF417
* QR Code (QRCode)
* Data Matrix (DataMatrix)
The SDK runs under Windows, WinCE (Win Mobile, Pocket PC, Smartphone), Symbian,Android, iPhone/Mac OS and Unix/Linux and it's easy to use. On Windows/Symbian/WinMobile platform, the SDK comes with dynamic link library (dll). On iPhone /Mac OS,Android and Unix/Linux platform, the SDK comes with static lib(*.a) or share object(*.so). It can recognize barcode in image file such as tif/bmp/jpg/png. We are glad to customize it for you.
It can recognize multiple barcodes at any orientation using a scanner or camera with frame-grabber. The recognition algorithm is highly accurate, reliable, and robust. It is designed to read poor quality or damaged bar codes. The features as below:
* Overcomes multiform defects in images (scratch, smudges, damage, ink spread, low contrast, complicated background).
* Reads multiple barcodes at any orientation, independent of skew, orientation, flipping and mirroring.
* Reads barcodes from region of interest.
* Returns the position of all recognized barcodes.
* Automatic Barcode type detection.
* Supports multiple image formats, such as tif/tiff/bmp/jpg/png/gif/pcx/jpg2000 etc..
* Contains Error Correction Code (ECC) to fix damaged barcode symbols(for 2D barcode).
You are invited to download our free Demo and Trial SDK. We appreciate any feedback you might have on our products. If you have a special requirement or need we would be glad to customize our product for you. The free Demo and Trial SDK includes:
* A set of Dynamic Link Library (DLL) for Windows, Symbian and Win CE (WinMobile, PocketPC)
* A set of Static lib(*.a ) or Share Object(*.so) for iPhone/Mac OS,Android and Unix/Linux.
* A complete manual, explaining all SDK interfaces.
* A demo used to evaluate the performance.
* Sample code used to demonstrate use of the SDK.
Related Searches: barcode, decode, SDK, software, recognize, recognition, read, dll, image, PDF417, QR Code(QRCode), Data Matrix(DataMatrix), bmp, tif, tiff, jpg, png, gif, Windows, Symbian, linux, unix, Android, iPhone, Mac OS, WinCE, Win Mobile, Pocket PC, share object
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established