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Database Workbench Pro 5.0 by: Upscene Productions

Cross database engine developer IDE
License: Demo, Price: $316.00 US
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Downloads: 167
Size: 25390 K
Date: 2014-09-01
Keywords: Database, InterBase, SQL Server, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle, NexusDB, MSDE, Sybase SQL Anywhere
Database Browser by: DB Software Laboratory
This Easy to use tool allows the user to connect to any database and browse it.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 783
Size: 2527 K
Date: 2014-08-11
Keywords: Works directly with Oracle, MS Sql Server, ODBC, MySql, OleDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS Sql Server Compact, Interbase and Firebird
Database Browser Portable by: DB Software Laboratory
This Easy to use tool allows user to connect to any database and browse it.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 878
Size: 6336 K
Date: 2014-08-11
Keywords: Database Browser, Works directly with Oracle, MS Sql Server, ODBC, MySql, OleDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS Sql Server Compact, Interbase and Firebird
Paradox viewer 2.3 by: Scalabium Software

Paradox Viewer: direct and fast read any Paradox table
License: Shareware, Price: $20.00 US
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Downloads: 73
Size: 950 K
Date: 2014-08-09
Keywords: paradox viewer, pdx viewer, paradox data viewer, reading paradox file, database, manager, explorer, SQL, query, data, structure, stored procedure, view, oracle, ms sql, ODBC, BDE, interbase
Universal Data Access Components 5.3 by: Devart

UniDAC provides cross-database access for Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus
License: Shareware, Price: $99.95 US
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Downloads: 45
Size: 45493 K
Date: 2014-04-29
Keywords: unidac, delphi, mysql, dac, vcl, lcl, ms sql, oracle, interbase, firebird, mysql, postgresql, sqlite, odbc, microsoft access, db2, sybase, dac, clx, net, rad studio, rad studio xe6, bds, bde, c++builder, turbo, c++, mac os, ios, android, linux
Database Comparer VCL by: CleverComponents

Database Comparer VCL compares and synchronizes databases structure and data.
License: Shareware, Price: $340.00 US
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Downloads: 104
Size: 1542 K
Date: 2013-11-29
Keywords: database, interbase, mssql, comparer, compare, firebird, oracle, table, identity, mysql, zeos, sybase, synchronize, comparison, merge, schema, synchronization, sync, replication, postgre, sql
CD Front End GOLD autorun CD DVD menu 2014.27 by: Visual Vision

Visually create autorun/autoplay CD DVD brochure product catalog Database import
License: Commercial, Price: $1.00 US
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Downloads: 28
Size: 2738 K
Date: 2012-04-14
Keywords: CD menu, DVD, catalog, presentation, autorun, autoplay, create, make, build, database import, CSV, shopping cart, video, music, autostart, auto run cd, software, catalog, maker, builder, creator, DBase, Access, Oracle, Paradox, SQL, Informix, Fulcrum, MySQL, Interbase, order form
FlexTracer 2.14 by: Easymatica.com

Powerful, easy-to-use SQL tracer for Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL, Interbase, etc
License: Shareware, Price: $29.99 US
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Downloads: 130
Size: 821 K
Date: 2011-10-31
Keywords: SQL tracer, SQL Server tracer, Oracle tracer, MySQL tracer, Interbase tracer, ODBC tracer, Sybase tracer, BDE tracer, SQLite tracer, file monitor, registry monitor
Paradox Direct Engine (ActiveX) 2.94 by: Scalabium Software

Paradox Engine: fast load the any Paradox table to MS Jet/ADO datasource
License: Shareware, Price: $75.00 US
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Downloads: 37
Size: 1500 K
Date: 2011-04-01
Keywords: paradox viewer, pdx viewer, paradox data viewer, reading paradox file, database, manager, explorer, SQL, query, data, structure, stored procedure, view, oracle, ms sql, ODBC, BDE, interbase
DBConvert for Firebird and MySQL 1.0.0 by: DMSoft Technologies

Bi-directional Database Conversion Tool for Firebird and MySQL databases
License: Shareware, Price: $79.00 US
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Downloads: 40
Size: 17787 K
Date: 2010-05-01
Keywords: Firebird to mysql, mysql to Firebird, Firebird to InterBase, Interbase to Firebird, sql and Firebird, sql to InterBase, sql to mysql, mysql and Firebird database, sql database conversion, Firebird database conversion, InterBase database conversion
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