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ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery 2.52 by: Keylack Software

ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery recovers lost passwords for ZIP, RAR, ACE archives
License: Shareware, Price: $19.95 US
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Downloads: 101
Size: 4255 K
Date: 2014-06-27
Keywords: rar, zip, zipx, ace, password, recovery, archive, recover, lost, forgotten, encrypted, decrypt, extract, key, code, multi-volume, sfx, aes, protected
DataNumen RAR Repair 2.1 by: DataNumen, Inc.

DataNumen RAR Repair is a powerful tool to repair corrupt RAR or SFX archives.
License: Demo, Price: $49.95 US
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Downloads: 63
Size: 1798 K
Date: 2013-09-14
Keywords: rar, repair, recovery, recover, fix, archive, file, tool, utility, corrupt, corrupted, damaged, error, restore, rescue, sfx, files, data
DataNumen Zip Repair 2.2 by: DataNumen, Inc.

A powerful tool to repair corrupted Zip files and self-extracting(SFX) files.
License: Demo, Price: $49.95 US
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Downloads: 65
Size: 2679 K
Date: 2013-07-21
Keywords: zip repair, zip data recovery, repair zip, repair zip files, fix zip files, corrupt zip files, recover corrupt zip, damaged zip files, zip, archive, crc, sfx, corrupt, damaged, zip recovery, repair, recover, recovery, fix
FileStream TurboZIP 8.5 by: FileStream, Inc.

TurboZIP opens ZIP, RAR, archive management, cataloging tool with internal views
License: Shareware, Price: $49.95 US
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Downloads: 86
Size: 3690 K
Date: 2012-09-14
Keywords: turbozip, turbo, zip, unzip, zip files, zip software, rar, winrar, Encryption, winzip, pkzip, 7zip, compression, archive, e-mail, email, zip, unzip, cab, gzip, exe, gz, z, z, tar, taz, tgz, sfx, lha, cad, msi, chm, iso, filestream
.NET Zip Component ZipForge.NET 3.00 by: ComponentAce LTD

.NET Zip Component with AES encryption, Unicode, NTFS timestamps and SFX support
License: Shareware, Price: $99.00 US
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Downloads: 23
Size: 15280 K
Date: 2010-07-29
Keywords: .NET ZIP, ZIP .NET, ZIP Component, .NET Zip Component, Delphi .NET, C# ZIP, VB.NET ZIP, dotnet zip, Zip, .NET, compression, encryption, SFX, TAR, GZip, TGZ, streaming compression
DPA SFX Creator 1.8 by: Paehl

A high performance AES/Blowfish/RC6 SFX-Crypter.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 35
Size: 405 K
Date: 2010-03-07
Keywords: AES, Rijndeal, Blowfish RC6 crypt sfx
FilePackager Standard 5.1 by: DIMDATA Co., Ltd.

Hight Quality Self Extractor - Quick Installer - Secure Files Packager.
License: Shareware, Price: $39.95 US
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Downloads: 51
Size: 3333 K
Date: 2009-02-07
Keywords: Smart SFX, Packager, Compression, Zip, SFX, Quick Installer
ZipZag 1.80 by: Cristescu Gabriel Valentin

Handles Rar, Zip, Bz2, Ace, 7z, Iso, Cbr, Cbz, Tar, Cab, Jar, Msi, Pk3, Pak, Lzx
License: Shareware, Price: $19.95 US
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Downloads: 36
Size: 4099 K
Date: 2006-07-15
Keywords: zipzag, winzip, winrar, archiver, archive, extension, extract, convert, open, sfx, merge, view, batch, repair, unzip, rar, zip, bz2, gzip, ace, 7z, 7-zip, iso, tar, tbz, tgz, cbr, cbz, cab, jar, pk3, pak, wad, msi, lzx
DataNumen Archive Repair 2.0 by: DataNumen, Inc.

Data recovery suite for RAR, Zip, TAR, and CAB archives.
License: Demo, Price: $199.95 US
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Downloads: 39
Size: 8856 K
Date: 2006-04-14
Keywords: repair archive, archive recovery, fix archive, archive, rar, zip, cab, tar, repair, recovery, recover, fix, restore, retrieve, rescue, corrupt, corrupted, damaged, data, disaster, error, file, files, crc, sfx, salvage
AnyZip 1.10 by: TurboSoft, Inc
Windows archiver program for compression and decompress.
License: Demo, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 42
Size: 2504 K
Date: 2006-03-24
Keywords: compression, zip, extract, decompression, archiver, packer, utility, gzip, ungzip, tar, cabinet, cab, rar, sfx, self-extracting, archive
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