1-abc.net Personal Calendar 5.00 by: 1-abc.net

Let your computer remind you on important appointments automatically!
License: Shareware, Price: $19.99 US
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Downloads: 45
Size: 566 K
Date: 2014-08-14
Keywords: calendar, appointment, date, remind, reminder, week, day, month, year, automatically, doctor, birthday, wedding, important, meet, meeting, time, party, cinema, sports, work, out, repeat, repeating, popup, start, file, personal, computer, pc, service, dates, appointments, meetings
VeBest Numerology 6.5.8 by: VeBest Corp.
Numerology software for chart calculation, prediction and compatibility
License: Shareware, Price: $19.95 US
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Downloads: 199
Size: 26642 K
Date: 2014-03-04
Keywords: numerology, numbers, Pythagoras, calculation, interpretation, prediction, forecast, life, path, personal, year
Calme 2014 by: Metin Elma

Calme - Calendars made easy. Print planners and picture calendars easily.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 648
Size: 2357 K
Date: 2013-12-07
Keywords: calendar, printing, planner, month, year, picture calendar, create calendars, holidays
Desktop Christmas Tree 1.8 by: Drive Software Company

Get free Christmas tree for your desktop.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 374
Size: 270 K
Date: 2013-11-28
Keywords: desktop, christmas, tree, new, year, new year, desktop christmas tree, Desktop Enhancements
TssResourceAllocationChart 3.6 by: SadMan Software

Draws a chart showing the allocation of shared resources.
License: Shareware, Price: $249.00 US
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Downloads: 119
Size: 9822 K
Date: 2013-10-15
Keywords: resource, allocation, chart, graphic, Delphi, component, shared, slot, schedule, scheduler, plan, planner, planboard, gannt, date, time, year, month, day, hour
Easy Mosaic Studio 2013 b115 by: EzMosaic

Easy Mosaic Studio is a complete tool kit, it helps you create kind of mosaics.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 198
Size: 17160 K
Date: 2013-06-23
Keywords: easy, mosaic, photo, photomosaic, create, creator, picture, picturemosaic, maker, image, family, personal, home, pro, professional, comm, commercial, poster, billboard, magazine, bookcover, yearbook
Calendar 2000 4.9 by: Gregory Braun

Display a small monthly calendar on the Windows desktop.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 308
Size: 420 K
Date: 2013-04-27
Keywords: braun, calendar, month, year, holiday, utility
Standard New Year Icons 2013.2 by: Aha-Soft
Get into a New Year mood with our new icon set
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 84
Size: 823 K
Date: 2013-03-10
Keywords: icon, icons, icon set, christmas, holiday, snta, new year, gift, celebrate
XLCalendar by: LJZsoft

XLCalendar is a calendar generator for Microsoft Excel
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 316
Size: 482 K
Date: 2013-01-18
Keywords: excel calendar, monthly calendar, yearly calendar, business calendar, generator, creator, maker, ms excel, spreadsheet, xls, workbook, template, format, year, month, day, date, weekday, holiday, software, microsoft
Year Planner 4.1.5 by: JonesSoft

This program prints a single sheet Year Planner for any year.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 217
Size: 979 K
Date: 2013-01-17
Keywords: print, calendar, year planner, filofax