Read Excel docs, write to Excel files (XLS, XLSX, CSV) in .NET and ASP.NET applications with Bytescout Spreadsheet SDK. MS Excel is not required.
Supports formula calculations, generates XLS with formatting, multiple worksheets, export and save to PDF. 100% managed C# code. Includes .NET, ActiveX and command line (console) interfaces so can be used from different environments. Works in .NET and also can be used in legacy Visual Basic 6 and ASP classic, Delphi. Comes with over 150 ready "copy and paste" source code samples for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Visual Basic 6, ASP Classic.
Technical details:
# Writing for XLS, HTML, TXT, CSV, XML support;
# Exports to PDF without any other libraries required;
# Reading for CSV, XLS (Office 97-2010), XLSX (Office 2007-2010) and ODS (Open Office Calc) support;
# Formula calculations (standard functions, add-in formula like XIRR) support;
# Can be used in Visual C#, Visual Basic.NET and ASP.NET;
# Cells, columns, rows, worksheets support;
# Unicode support;
# 12 chart types supported;
# Cell formatting (font, color, border style, alignment) is supported;
# Capable of changing existing Excel documents (change data and save modified document, add or remove rows, columns);
# Export XLS into CSV, TXT, HTML and XML, PDF;
# Reads Excel files into dataset;
# Convert spreadsheets from command line or .bat command files using Spreadsheet SDK Console version.
Related Searches: read excel, write excel, excel c#, excel asp.net, excel vb.net, xls net, spreadsheet net, bytescout, xls, xlsx, spreadsheet, .net, asp.net, vb. net, excel, read, write, modify, cell, row, worksheet, workbook, xlsx, ods, open office, calc, csv
Recent Changes: read xls in .net, write xls in .net, calculate spreadsheets
improved handling of incorrect formula values while calculating
CSV to XLS samples updated
improved XLS format handling
license updated
minor fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows XP SP2 or higher