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VintaSoftBarcode.NET SDK 8.1 by: VintaSoft Ltd.

Professional barcode reader and writer component for .NET, WPF and Silverlight.
License: Demo, Price: $389.95 US
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Downloads: 116
Size: 16577 K
Date: 2014-09-11
Keywords: barcode, .net, wpf, silverlight, reader, generator, writer, barcode recognition, sdk, aztec, datamatrix, pdf417, qr code, maxicode, code 11, code 39, code 93, code 128, ean, upc, mailmark, pharmacode, rss, gs1 dataBar, vb.net, c#, asp.net
Bytescout Spreadsheet SDK 2.40.1358 by: ByteScout
Read Excel, write to Excel files xls, xlsx, csv in .NET without Excel installed
License: Demo, Price: $699.99 US
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Downloads: 220
Size: 36813 K
Date: 2014-09-09
Keywords: read excel, write excel, excel c#, excel asp.net, excel vb.net, xls net, spreadsheet net, bytescout, xls, xlsx, spreadsheet, .net, asp.net, vb, c#, vb. net, excel, read, write, modify, cell, row, worksheet, workbook, xlsx, ods, open office, calc, csv
NetDiagram ASP.NET Control 5.3 by: MindFusion LLC

An ASP.NET control that lets you present interactive flowcharts and diagrams.
License: Commercial, Price: $600.00 US
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Downloads: 110
Size: 39833 K
Date: 2014-08-19
Keywords: flow, flowchart, chart, diagram, workflow, organizational, process, hierarchy, network, ASP.NET, control, component
Bytescout BarCode Generator SDK 4.10.713 by: ByteScout
Generate barcodes, display and save 1D and 2D barcodes with .NET and ActiveX SDK
License: Shareware, Price: $399.99 US
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Downloads: 225
Size: 33138 K
Date: 2014-07-31
Keywords: generate barcodes, barcode generator, bytescout, barcode, bar code, codebar, image, sdk, .net, visual basic, c#, asp.net, Codabar, Code39, I2of5, Code93, Code128, EAN13, JAN13, Bookland, UPCA, UPCE, EAN8, Postnet, PDF417, Datamatrix, Aztec, MaxiCode
Bytescout BarCode Reader SDK 8.10.1220 by: ByteScout
Read barcode from image, read barcode from TIF, read barcode from PDF in .NET
License: Demo, Price: $499.99 US
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Downloads: 117
Size: 47191 K
Date: 2014-07-31
Keywords: read barcodes, read barcode, barcode, barcode reader, bar code, sdk, recognize, barcode recognition, recognize barcode, pdf417, datamatrix, 1d, 2d, image, ean, codabar, code39, bytescout, .net, dot net, c#, vb, visual basic, asp.net, tiff, qr code, a
EazyCode (.Net and SQL Wizard) 7.1.13 by: Datacraft

Generates ready-to-use and easily extendable, database driven applications.
License: Shareware, Price: $125.00 US
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Downloads: 198
Size: 17408 K
Date: 2014-05-12
Keywords: sql, asp.net, c#, vb.net, mvc, web, windows, wizard, forms wizard, data entry form, visual studio, database, object, .net, .net code generator, code generator, application, website, 3 tier, sql, document, layer, sql statement, stored procedure
TinyTrader 1.0.8 by: Antonello Aringhieri

TinyTrader - Tools for the small and tiny trader
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 223
Size: 3036 K
Date: 2014-05-02
Keywords: metastock, stock quotes, portfolio management, charts, historical data, quotazioni, grafici, dati storici, S&PMIB, DOWJONES, NASDAQ, C#, MVVM, WPF, ASP.NET, DotNetNuke, finance
VintaSoftTwain.NET SDK 9.0 by: VintaSoft Ltd.

Control a scanner or camera from your .NET application.
License: Demo, Price: $179.95 US
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Downloads: 57
Size: 6358 K
Date: 2014-04-23
Keywords: Twain, .NET, WPF, SDK, BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PDF, PDF/A, SQL, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, Windows, Microsoft Dynamics, Document Management
ASP.NET Report Maker 7.0 by: e.World Technology Ltd.

Generate ASP.NET 4.0 dynamic Web report from database
License: Shareware, Price: $159.95 US
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Downloads: 181
Size: 24849 K
Date: 2014-04-14
Keywords: ASP, ASP.NET, Web Pages, VB.NET, C#, Razor, .NET, report, chart, Flash, HTML5, script, code, generator, generate, database, Access, SQL, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oraclele
MindFusion.Scheduling Pack 2014.R1 by: MindFusion LLC

Calendar and scheduling components for .NET and Java based platforms.
License: Commercial, Price: $600.00 US
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Downloads: 129
Size: 59694 K
Date: 2014-03-26
Keywords: calendar, scheduling, schedule, appointment, .NET, WPF, Silverlight, control, component, ASP.NET, WebForms, Java, Swing
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