Generate barcodes with Bytescout BarCode Generator SDK for .NET and ActiveX.
- includes components for desktop and web applications development: .NET class, WinForms Control, ASP.NET Web Image control, SSRS reporting service, ActiveX interface to generate barcodes from Visual Basic 6, Classic ASP, Delphi, Javascript, Word and Excel VBA - almost all development languages are covered;
- 100+ source code samples included (just copy and paste!) for all supported languages and platforms;
- supports almost all 1D linear and 2D (multidimensional) barcodes;
- made using 100% C# code for .NET (optional source code licensing is available!)
- adds barcodes to PDF documents (no other components are required);
- Includes 4 types of controls and components: Windows Forms control (for WinForms applications), WebImage control (for ASP.NET) , SSRS control for ASP.NET and non-visual .NET and ActiveX classes for instant barcode image generation;
- Supports almost all 1D barcodes types (including Code 39, Code 128, UPCA, UPCE, GS1 and many other), including EAN-13 and supplemental EAN-2 and EAN-5 barcodes;
- Supports 2D barcodes: QR Code, Aztec, PDF417, DataMatrix, MaxiCode;
- Supports GS1 barcodes (also known as RSS): GS1 Code 128, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 Databar Omnidirectional, GS1 Databar Stacked, GS1 Databar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Truncated;
- WPF barcode control included;
- Built-in automatic validation of barcode value;
- Adjustable visual appearance: font, font size, foreground and background colors
- Exports generated barcode as PDF, EMF, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF images;
- Draw generated barcode on control or printer .hDC (in both ActiveX and .NET versions of the SDK);
- Supports Local Reports (RDLC) and SSRS reports support for ASP.NET;
- and much more!
Related Searches: generate barcodes, barcode generator, bytescout, barcode, bar code, codebar, image, sdk, .net, visual basic, asp.net, Codabar, Code39, I2of5, Code93, Code128, EAN13, JAN13, Bookland, UPCA, UPCE, EAN8, Postnet, PDF417, Datamatrix, Aztec, MaxiCode
Recent Changes: improved barcode generator API
ValueIsValidGS1(value) method added to verify GS1 value
GS1 (EAN128, GS-128, GS1 Datamatrix) text caption generation improved for long values
TextEncodingCodePage,TextEncodingUseUTF8 added for use from ActiveX/COM
DrawImagesToPDF() now allows multiple images
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows XP or higher