CCCalc is a free calculator for Windows, designed to be an ideal tool for everyday calculations, either professional or occasional.
Imagine a desktop calculator which prints all your calculations to a paper tape. Imagine also that you are able to correct any printed character, and the tape will instantly recalculate everything itself. Cool? This is what CCCalc looks like.
CCCalc performs plus, minus, divide, multiply and square root operations, and percent calculations. It implies no limitations on precision and provides controllable rounding-up.
The text on the tape is editable as if it were a Notepad, so no need to retype the whole expression to correct only one character. Data exchange with any Windows application is available via drag-and-drop or clipboard. The text is stored automatically so the whole calculation history is available for reuse or corrections at any moment, until you delete something yourself.
Special data formatting, text comments, visible and even editable memory, ability to select font or tune up appearance, etc. - all this makes CCCalc very convenient for everyday quick calculations, either casual or professional.
Related Searches: calculator, tape calculator, check-n-correct
Recent Changes: text comments
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, German, Russian
Additional Requirements: any Windows PC