archCalc is a mixed unit decimal and fraction calculator. It allows one to enter dimensions in standard english and metric units of measurement, perform basic calculations, convert between units, keep track of a series of operations, and easily solve for a leg or slope of a right triangle.
archCalc works as a standalone calculator or in conjunction with other programs, calculating stair risers in CAD software, or aiding in takeoffs with a spreadsheet. archCalc floats above applications allowing one to work with it as if it were a part of the active application.
Related Searches: construction calculator, architecture calculator, architect calculator, foot inch calculator, foot-inch calculator, unit calculator, fraction calculator, unit conversion, unit calculator, foot, inch, metric, meter, fraction, decimal, english
Recent Changes: Support for regional OS preferences which utilize decimal symbols other than a period, Revamped larger and more legible interface, new tape window, skip splash screen option (for registered users), bug & ui fixes, installer and uninstaller now included in windows distribution.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Widows machine running win 98 or later, or Mac running OS X 10.3 or later.