Homeopathy Databank of homeopathic remedies and therapeutic options. Homeopathy Software provides a wealth of information in 3 databanks: Afflictions (displays homeopathic remedy charts by affliction and related symptoms), Materia Medica (lists information on specific homeopathic products), and Cell Salts (tissue salts). The shareware version includes an introduction to homeopathy, homeopathic remedy charts for 50 selected Afflictions, and full listing information for 50 Homeopathic products and therapeutic options. Registration provides full access to all 377 Affliction listings, 436 Materia Medica listings, and the Cell Salts databank. Also included: a Tongue Indicator tool and quick Reference Charts for afflictions of the Bones, Eye, Heart, Skin, Male and Female Problems, Nervous and Digestive Systems. Registration also includes free future program upgrades! Homeopathy Software is made for educational purposes only.
Related Searches: homeopathy, remedies, homeopathic, symptoms, homeopathic remedies, homeopathy databank, homeopathic reference, homeopathy software, cell salts, schuessler, schuessler salts, afflictions, tissue salts, Materia Medica
Recent Changes: New Section plus additional entries in the Afflictions and Remedies databanks.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 32MB RAM