Wellness Software is a vast compilation of known alternative medicine and natural healing therapies! Search quickly or take your time browsing through the large Afflictions (303 entries) and Herbal (540+ herbs) Databases. Also explore Wellness Software's many charts, text files, and mini-databanks on: Homeopathy (70 entries), the Immune System, Parasites, Infections, Phytochemicals, Rejuvenation, Tonics, Color Therapy, basic First Aid, Fever, Nutrition (Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals) and Diagnostic Aids. There's also a colorful Foot Reflexology chart! Most sections require registration to be fully functional. Included in the free shareware version: 28 Afflictions (the A's: Abscess to Autoimmune Diseases) and 36 Herbs (also those beginning with A). The Antioxidants section, selected text files and a Quiz to test natural health trivia are also freely included. Registration provides full access to all Databases, Charts, Text files and free program upgrades. Wellness Software is made for educational purposes only. Registration Price: $29.95 CAD/USD.
Related Searches: wellness, herbs, alternative medicine, natural remedies, nutrition, homeopathy, herbal remedies, color therapy, healing, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, naturopathy, afflictions, symptoms, antioxidants, infections, parasites
Recent Changes: Improved Installation Process. New Software Homepage.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 32MB RAM