FontBrowser is a small program which enables you to preview all the fonts available on your system at various sizes, colors and styles.
The interface is clear and simple. The preview can be resized by dragging at the border just below the font list. The window as a whole can be resized too.
Fonts can be selected by simply clicking in a list, which can also be quickly browsed by using the cursor, page up/down and home/end keys.
Any combination bold, italic and underline styles can be selected and the color of both the background and foreground of the preview can be chosen.
By clicking on the preview text, a window pops up allowing you to change the text used in the preview, allowing you to preview the precise text you'll be needing the font for.
FontBrowser stores the last used settings automatically and uses them when starting again at a later time.
FontBrowser can be used immediately after downloading, no installation or configuration required. The program has been compressed as an executable and is as small a download as possible without using any installer or archive (like zip files).
Related Searches: font, browse, preview, browser, explore, explorer, fontbrowser, face, type, navigate, navigator, fontnavigator, free, automatic, freeware, speed, multiple, internet, applications, apps, appz, cheap, com, download, downloadz, easy, good, gratis, gratuit, hacks, hackz, high, huge
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 1MB of harddisk space