Track your monthly detailed income and expenses with this powerful, easy-to-use program. Your data is input by categories (such as 'Electricity' and 'Mortgage/Rent') that you define. The overall balance (profit/loss) is automatically calculated as entries are entered. Automatic expense (and income) entries that occur each month may also be defined and tracked, ensuring that you do not forget them. Entries may be tied to a bank account or credit card account.
Once your data has been entered, it may be charted with the various charts available in the program. You can even define your own charts! Printed reports are also available. Multiple companies are supported. Each company's data is kept completely separate. It's as if you installed multiple versions of the software!
The optional budgets module will allow you to keep track of budgets (by category). Reports and charts are available.
The optional invoicing module will allow you to create and track invoices to your customers.
Related Searches: Expense, Income, monthly, charts, ALMSys, categories
Recent Changes: Added optional invoicing module, rewrote all reports, added document links feature, added data export, added multiple item delete.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows-based PC