I've Been @ is a log keeping software for travelers and people on the go.
This software allows you to record your experience at Hotels, Restaurants and many other type of establishments.
If you travel a little or a lot or if you want to keep records of places other people recommended then I'veBeen@ is the software you need.
The software let you record many important and complimentary features for each place including how did you find it or who recommended it. How expensive it was and how satisfied you were.
You can also export the database to other computers. In this way you can have a copy at your home computer, another on the laptop, at the office and even give a copy to a friend.
With I've Been @ you can share your data to our Internet database. Data submited in this way becomes public domain and can be retrieved at any time by anyone from anywhere in the world with a regular web browser. This means that if you travel often you can retrieve your records without the need of having your laptop or even having "I have Been @ software".
Related Searches: hotel, restaurant, bar, night club, trip, travel, airfare, motel, agency, log, portable, favorites, preferred, dinning out, lunch, vacation
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established