Converter Pro is a program to convert units in a professional manner.
Converter Pro comes with a database that contains the most important conversion factors to convert length, area, volume, mass, force, pressure, density, energy, power, temperature, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity and time units (engineering option) and optionally, also with practically all of the less used or historical units (extended option). The database contains all commonly used unit systems (British, US, SI, CGS and MKS).
Units that are not available in the database can be composed from up to four available units (for example 'mile' and 'hr.' will give 'mile/hr.' or 'BTU', lb. and deg. F will give 'BTU/lb. deg.F').
All conversion factor tables contained in the database are extendible. If you miss a unit that you use frequently, you can simply add it yourself.
You can also enter up to ten user-defined conversion factor tables (for example electrical or acoustical units)
You can rely on the accuracy of the conversions. The database was established using the most accurate basic conversion factors available and carefully tested. At least five digits of the results will therefore always be accurate.
Converter Pro has been written by an engineer who is working internationally. He got fed up for good one day to continue with re-inventing the wheel over and over again and wrote this program. The program is therefore particularly suitable for all those who work under similar circumstances and are frequently confronted with unfamiliar unit systems.
Related Searches: unit conversion, converter, units
Recent Changes: Some cosmetic surgery to cope with Windows XP annoyances.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, French, German
Additional Requirements: No particular requirements