Logic Minimizer is an innovative, versatile application for simplifying Karnaugh maps and logical expressions step by step. It is geared for those involved in engineering fields, more precisely digital and formal logic scholars and academics, digital devices constructors or anybody involved with logical expressions. With its powerful minimization capabilities and full-fledged features, you can work with all forms of logic expressions.
Minimize Boolean and propositional formulae up to 24 variables
Convert Boolean formulae into SOP, POS and decimal notation
Work with Karnaugh map, truth table and sets of terms
Highlight minimized term on Karnaugh Map
Draw logic circuit with various types of logic gates
Optimize simplified Boolean formula with XOR gates
Convert propositional formulae into DNF and CNF
Find validity of propositional formulae
Support all Boolean and propositional operators
Formula-input-friendly: no need to transform your formula before entering
Step by step simplification of Boolean and propositional expressions
Related Searches: karnaugh, kmap, boolean, algebra, Viech, implicant, formal, logic, digital, propositional, proposition, SOP, POS, CNF, DNF, validity, simplify, minimize, reduce, truth, table, circuit, gate, step by step, logic minimizer
Recent Changes: Compatible with Windows 8
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: PC with Pentium class processor, 64MB of RAM, 12.5MB of free hard disk space, mouse/pointing device