ABF Value Converter is an application for measurement units conversion. This software easily converts various measurement values into any other possible ones. Inches to centimetres, pounds to kilograms, Fahrenheit to Celsius... and more than 5000 other conversions, grouped according to categories. ABF Value Converter also calculates the values of many mathematical functions, as well as makes it possible to conduct geometric constructions and calculations for some figures.
ABF Value Converter contains 11 conversion calculators (one per measurement group), 3 geometric calculators, 2 calculators of the most common functions and a converter between different number systems such as Dec, Hex, Bin and Roman. The user interface of this program is based upon opinions of different users. The Outlook-styled bar makes navigation easy and convenient. Program interface is customized, so the users can change it, according to their preferences.
Related Searches: valueconverter, value, converter, conversion, measurement, unit, units, calculate, calculation, abf, software, abfsoftware, share, free, ware, shareware, freeware, area, square, length, distance, consumption, mass, weight, power, math, prefix, pressure, speed, temperature, volume
Recent Changes: Updated help manual.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established