OmniValue is a general tool for managing and analyzing financial investments such as stocks, funds, bonds, bank accounts, currency, cash, and natural resources. OmniValue provides advanced portfolio management, web updates, tax calculation, and in depth analysis of financial metrics in an easy to use program. OmniValue for Retail is an efficient tool for analyzing sales of retail products and managing the inventory. It is suitable for small to medium sized retail businesses which have a need to understand the profitability and performance of sales and of inventory management (replenishment and inventory levels). It provides key metrics widely used in the retail industry to make merchandizing and replenishment decisions. Metrics and graphs are generated from sales data which can be imported from virtually any format into OmniValue
Related Searches: finance, retail, metrics, investment, inventory, stocks, products, funds, assets, transactions, quotes, tax, bond, currency, cash, investment, return, income
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established