You may check communication with computer or look up if a host is online by executing a ping command. Windows does not provide graphical utility to do that, but has a command line tool. This software works just like command line ping.exe but has a configurable parameters screen and a nice graphical output. You may preset TTL - time to live of the ICMP packet to be sent, the size of the ICMP packet to send, number of ping requests, host name resolution option, packet size. The software can run both using ICMP or WinSock. You may export ping resulat or print them out right from Network Ping.
Related Searches: ping, internet ping, net ping, icmp ping, ping computer, visual ping, windows ping, free ping, freeware ping, ping ip, traceroute, tracert, lookup, windows ping, ping.exe, tcpip ping
Recent Changes: Installer update, user interface changes and bug fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: n/a