This is a Windows based tracert/traceroute software to display path that network packets take when travelling across the global IP networks. Excellent tool for network troubleshooting, this utility incorporates the functionality of well known tracert and traceroute command line utilities and presents the trace information in a Windows based interface compared to existing command line tools. You may print the results of the trace or save them for later research. Various network trace parameters such as number of pings, hops, host timeout value and DNS addess resolution are configurable in this software.
Related Searches: traceroute, trace route, tracert, ip tracert, tracert route, network, packet, host, packets, ttl, troubleshooting, networking, monitoring, admin, monitor, ping, whois, ip monitor, tcp, domain, webhosting, traffic
Recent Changes: Setup installer update and minor bug fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: none