QVCS-Enterprise is an affordable version control system. It matches more expensive products in features useful to small, distributed teams, and is easy to use and administer. Includes an easy to use GUI, a separate admin tool, an IDE integration .dll, a client API so users can write Java applications to view version control information maintained on the server, and a custom Ant task to support scripting. See at a glance which files are checked out, which files have changed since check out, who most recently changed a file, etc. Perform common operations like check in or check out with the click of a button. Supports both text and binary files. Works well over the Internet, VPN or LAN. Windows users can integrate with any IDE that supports Microsoft's SCC API, including VS 2003, VS 2005 and VS2008.
Can display the revision history of the files in a project and allows the user to report the project revision history by a number of criteria, including checkin date, filename, locker, etc. Can filter the revision history to show only those revisions that pass the filter criteria. Allows the user to sort and filter the list of files that it displays. File filtering allows the user to limit the set of files that operations are performed on. Files can be filtered by file extension, label, most recent revision date, etc. Includes integrated merge support.
Is 100% Java, so it should work on any platform that has a 1.5 JVM available. Supported for Windows, Max OS X, Linux, and Solaris.
Related Searches: development utilities, version control, configuration management
Recent Changes: Highlight changes in visual compare tool; other bug fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pre-install Java virtual machine 1.5 or later.