Help people pay attention to any subject! This presentation tool helps you make your message fun by creating a funny, customized game show to fit your topic and audience. This game show presentation shell takes care of all the details, so all you need to do is write your multiple-choice quiz, name your show and select some options. Game Show Presenter makes your quiz the centerpiece of a flashy game show featuring a funny host and supermodel, music, sound effect and automatic scoring for up to 10 players or teams. It's easy to do and audiences love it! The game show uses high quality graphics and sound so you can wow your audience, even when the subject matter is rather dull. Educators, trainers and presenters are getting rave reviews from audiences and helping students improve their scores with fun review game shows.
Related Searches: game show, quiz, training, trainer, educator, teacher, education, quiz, presentation, humor, audience, teaching, multimedia, template, meeting, show, entertainment, Powerpoint
Recent Changes: Be your own game show host, automatic scorekeeping
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pentium II, min. 800x600 color monitor