If you are among those finding it difficult to determine which part of your computer's hard disk is taking up much space, don't fret because there's help on hand. GetFoldersize is the answer to your problem.
This freeware is ideal for both private and commercial use. It is your disk space analyzer because it literally helps you analyze how much disk space has been taken up by your files and folders, finds the largest folder size on your system that occupies the greatest space in your hard drive and shows you how your disk space is organized.
What GetFoldersize does is figure out the size of folders and sub-folders on your drives, media storage, network shares, CDs and DVDs to inform you of where you need to reduce disk space. With its rapid scan algorithm feature, you can easily scan the paths of your files and folders containing up to 32,000 characters. File names and folder names bearing Unicode characters can also be easily scanned.
In addition, users are provided with other necessary information such as the number of file as well as folder containing all files and subfolders. File sizes are also shown in terms of their bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes for your utmost convenience.
Further, GetFoldersize can assist you in finding the large directories, deleting huge files and folders and cleaning hard drives. The reporting process is fast and accurate which means you can truly rely on this tool to find out how much space in your hard disk you need to cut down. It also gets into the specifics such as finding the disk or folder and telling how what are the largest files and folders in there.
Whatever your profession is whether you're into photography, writing articles, music or producing audio and video projects, you can use GetFoldersize to help you in your goal to free up your computer's disk space. Your disk space can easily be used up without you knowing it but with this freeware, you need not worry about analyzing your hard disk.
Related Searches: directory size, folder size, disk size, size folder, drive size, disk usage, disk analyzer, windows folder size, disk space usage, file folder size, largest files, disk space utility, show folder size, disk space management, directory file size, hard disk usage
Recent Changes: Various optimizations and new enhancements have been introduced in various sections.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Dutch, German, Italian
Additional Requirements: Windows 2000 or higher