Based on comprehensive analysis of users' requirements, STGuru provides full range of Simplified Chinese (CHS) - Traditional Chinese (CHT) conversion services at professional quality.
Its core is an industry-leading, highly intelligent code conversion engine that converts between CHS and CHT at professional quality. The engine manages all delicate details and provides users with well-organized conversion libraries and packs. Some standard professional packs for typical uses are supplied. Advanced users can also make their own custom packs. This engine provides all necessary conditions leading to commercial-quality conversions.
Based on the engine, full range of conversion services are provided, all at consistent professional quality:
a) Converts in all possible directions between Simplified and Traditional Chinese in GBK, Big5, UTF-8, Unicode and Unicode BE.
b) Supports conversions for edit areas, clipboard, text files/web pages/directories/web sites; batch conversions.
c) Provides convenient procedures to convert documents in special formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Trados TM...as a whole.
d) A command line interface is provided, so you can perform command line conversions, or call it with an external program to realize fully customized real-time, dynamic conversions.
It is also a powerful Chinese word, phrase and file processor with many advanced tools and features: professional character count, word count, paragraph count and line count for text, files and folders, separately optimized for English and Chinese (CHS & CHT); find/replace and batch replace; page cleaning; character occurrences statistics; text difference check; line sorting; redundant line analysis and cleaning; mergence, split and swap of glossary entries; the word adjustment system itself is also an advanced term management system.
STGuru's layout can be easily changed magically for different purposes.
Related Searches: Chinese, Simplified, Traditional, GBK, Big5, Unicode, UTF-8, UTF8, site, convert, converter, conversion, code, editor
Recent Changes: Fixed the bug that some Unicode-specific characters couldn't be properly converted; documentation updates; cumulative update of the word adjustment libraries.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Chinese, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional
Additional Requirements: Minimum screen resolution: 1024*768