Russian lexicon: more than 114,000 entries, including informal, offensive, colloquial, vulgar, profane words, 1.5 million distinct word forms.
Russian morphology: grammatical category indicators for verbs and participles (transitive/intransitive, perfect/imperfect, modal), nouns (animate/inanimate); comprehensive conjugations and declension tables.
Russian pronunciation: stress marks, ? letter, syllabic breaks.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, derivatives.
Russian-English translations: more than 30,000 links.
Word usage: text samples with word occurrencies, word frequency.
User interface: web-style lexicon and thesaurus navigation, instant word search, printable word entry pages.
Related Searches: Not Established
Recent Changes: Fixed typos
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, French, Russian
Additional Requirements: 512 Mb RAM, 300 Mb on disk