As e-commerce grows, web based auctions continue to gain in popularity and catalog sales continue apace. It is becoming harder and harder for many of us just to keep track of all of the things that we order by mail. Anyone thinking of selling something through an internet auction also needs an efficient way to keep track of all the details of their sales.
Order/Auction Tracker provides an easy database for tracking all this information. Use one simple screen to record all the details: what was bought (or sold), for how much and from who. Know when you placed your orders and when you expect to receive the item.
Standard reports keep all the details at your fingertips and let you quickly get a list of overdue products or payments that you might need to look into.
Custom reports allow you to present the information in any form you like.
Related Searches: auction software, orders, mail order, shopping, purchases, inventory, buying, selling, selling at auction, how to auction
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows 95 or higher, 10 Mb disk space