Optimize website content and keywords. Discover related keywords and phrases. Build keyword lists that cover all variations, e.g. keyword combinations, word permutations, spelling errors and missing spaces. Position check and track history. View current and past ranking positions on graphs and charts. Check keyword density. Have titles, headers etc. "weight" more than normal text. Analyze competition for keywords in search engine result pages, e.g. page keyword relevance, backlinks and page rank. Integrates with online SEO, PPC and website analysis and keyword marketing tools. All information and data can be exported as XML or CSV. Configure, import and export lists with keywords, websites and search engines. Concurrently position check multiple websites for multiple phrases at multiple search engines. Advanced users can add support for new search engines to check website ranking against. Concurrently check multiple keyword suggestion engines for multiple input phrases. Advanced users can add support for new keyword and phrase suggestion engines to get keywords from.
Related Searches: seo, ppc, keywords, density, suggest, marketing, search, engine, optmization, pay, click, A1 Keyword Tools
Recent Changes: Miscellaneous updates
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, ChineseSimplified, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
Additional Requirements: hardware requirements same as operating system